Lavender water antiseptic and soothing, helps to heal wounds, used after-shave, cleans and tones the skin, sooths, relieves stress, helps to relax. It is a universal tonic, suitable for both dry and oily, sensitive or mature skin.
Rose water nourishes, moisturizes, rejuvenates and reduces wrinkles, balances oily skin, calms sensitive skin, cleanses and cools normal skin. Perfect for all skin types but especially recommended for drier skin, suitable for irritated, blotchy skin.
Hydrolat is used for oily, combined, spotted skin. Water cleanses tones and softens the skin, removes dirt. It shrinks and cleanses pores, controls sebum. Rosemary water is recommended for adolescents with acne damaged skin.
Beautifully nourished hair from the follicle to the tip! Extremely rich, 100% natural shampoo balanced for long-haired dogs, but also ideal for short-hair owners!